CYC is offering adult sailing instruction this summer with our newly refurbished fleet of 420 dinghies. (We also have a couple of roomier CL’s.) Classes will cover CANsail 1 and CANsail 2 curricula, taught by Ontario Sailing certified instructors.
The adult program has been designed to “learn at your own pace.” Courses will be in two-week sessions throughout the summer (given adequate registration), with classes on Tuesday and Friday evenings 6pm to 9pm. Those interested in learning to sail may register for as few or as many sessions as they wish, either consecutively or intermittently, as the two-week course structure is intended to accommodate busy summer schedules. Each course is a total of 12 hours. Because 24 hours of instruction is usually enough time to work through all content, two courses taken consecutively would be an ideal choice.
Please note that each course will run with as few as two registrants—if you sign up with a friend, you can be sure to be on the water for dates that are most convenient!
Cost for two week course is $250.
Register now!
Click here: offers affordable online Basic and Intermediate Coastal Navigation modules leading to Sail Canada certification, as well as online Sail Canada Ashore Knowledge modules, a VHF Radio course, and other free resources of interest to recreational boaters. CYC member Rob McLean is a co-founder of LearnToCruiseOnline. After selecting your course, contact Rob for details at:
Basic Coastal Navigation - This introductory course offers basic knowledge of navigational theory. The curriculum covers the role of the navigator, introduces the publications, navigation aids and tools and techniques to support planning and safe passage making. Delivered online with the support of LearnToCruiseOnline.
Restricted Operator Certification Marine (ROC-M) - A convenient Online course offered through LearnToCruiseOnline. Exam fee discount for CYC members.
Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons ( offer a variety of classroom and online boating courses.
This information is the private property of Cobourg Yacht Club and its members. No use is granted except for the personal use of the members.
"Cobourg Yacht Club" is a non-profit organization.100 Hibernia St, Cobourg, ON K9A 3J8, Canada mailing address: P.O. Box 561 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L3