The 2024 CYC Executive Commodore: Liz McCaughey Past Commodore: Monica Sheridan Vice Commodore I: Carl Jeptha Vice Commodore II: Irena Orlowski Rear Commodore I: Will McCrae Rear Commodore II: Annie McCaughey Marketing & Communications: Chris Hogarth Treasurer: Greg Hannah Secretary: Susan MacKinnon | Members' Events Calendar - Click Here Don't forget to check out the CYC Photo Album under the Members-Only tab, click here: Members-Only-Content Upcoming events
This information is the private property of Cobourg Yacht Club and its members. No use is granted except for the personal use of the members.
"Cobourg Yacht Club" is a non-profit organization.100 Hibernia St, Cobourg, ON K9A 3J8, Canada mailing address: P.O. Box 561 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L3